Natural Dyeing – Náttúrulitun


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Fimmtudagur/Thursday 3.október/october kl.10:00-16:00

Staðsetning/Location: Skinnhúfa

Kathy Sparks

Námskeið er kennt á ensku. – Workshop in English.

The natural world can supply a dyer with a bounty of materials which can produce dye. But wait there is more! By employing the dye techniques of overdyeing, one can extend the palette and achieve almost any color imaginable. In this class, we will explore simple color relationships, come to understand the basics of the color wheel and then create a set of samples which illustrate the range of colors – first achieved by base dyeing and then expanded by overdyeing. Take home a complete knitting kit “Lilja Langsjal” with yarn dyed by you in class.

Skill level: All levels welcome

What do students need to bring: Bring your own lunch. Coffee/tea will be provided.

Homework for students before class?: None

Fee includes the use of all necessary equipment for natural dyeing and the dyes as well. Handouts and color wheel are included.

Yarn: 15 mini skeins of 12 m for dyeing (Þingborgar Einband, Icelandic lambs wool). Participants will receive a knitting pattern for a traditional Icelandic shawl “Lilja langsjal” and have a choice of the same yarn in natural sheep colours as main colour for the shawl to go with their dyed skeins. They will leave the class with a complete knitting kit!