Botanical Printing – Grasaþrykk


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Mánudaginn/Monday 30. september kl.10:00-16:00

Staðsetning/Location: Skinnhúfa

Liz Gaffney

Námskeið er kennt á ensku. – Workshop in English.

Imprinting plant leaves and flowers onto fabrics and paper. Botanical Printing is sometimes called Eco Printing. It is chemical alchemy on a cellular level using a combination of natural minerals and plants . Learn how to print plant patterns on paper or cloth .
Scotlands plants are very similar to Icelandic species.

Hvað þurfa nemendur að hafa með sér: Svuntu, hanska, opinn huga.

Undirbúningur nemenda fyrir tíma: Enginn

Efnisgjald á nemanda og hvað er innifalið í því: Allt efni er innifalið í kostnaði.

What students need to bring: Apron, gloves, open minds.

Preparation for workshop: Nothing.

What’s included in the fee: All materials are included.