Halla – Scarf

In summer 2024 we elected a new president for
Iceland. With a participation of over 80% of all
voters it was very much a national event.
Amongst the 6 strongest candidates was Halla,
sporting a neat silk neck scarf for her first
appearance at a television debate. This
became a much talked about fashion statement
– although it emerged that she was wearing it
because of an oncoming cold that day. She
and her supporters started wearing neck
scarves and made it their “trade mark” during
the campaign weeks running up to the
elections. The media talked about a neck-scarf
And Halla went on to win the elections.
We decided to create a woollen version!
Congratulations Halla!

Single or lightweight two-ply approx. 100 – 120m
Dóru Band Einband naturaly dyed (25g)
Þingborgar Einband (25g)
Dís by Uppspuni (25g)
Skýjaband by Uppspuni Icelandic cashmere goat (25g)
Gilitrutt by Helene Magnusson (25g)
Einband by Hespa (25g)
The recomended yarn has 220-240m /50g
Knitting needles 4.5mm / 7US
Crochet hook 4.5mm
Cast on 3 sts. Knit 1 row. Put beginning of row marker
(BOR) here on the right side (RS). Keep this marker on
the RS throughout the project. Knit 4 rows, ending at
the BOR.
Increases – on right side.
Always knit the wrong side (WS)!
1. RS: k2, yo, k1 ( = 4 sts)
3. RS: k2, yo, k2 ( = 5 sts)
5. RS: k2, yo, k3 ( = 6 sts)
Pattern – „Gatasnar“ (net pattern)
„Gatasnar“ with increases:
1. row (RS): k2, yo, *k2tog, yo*, k last 2 sts.
2. row (WS): knit back
3. row (RS): k2, yo, *k2tog, yo*, k last 3 sts.
4. row (WS): knit back

Repeat until you have 42 sts on your needle.
„Gatasnar“ with decreases:
1. row (RS): k2, k2tog, *yo, k2tog*, k last 2 sts.
2. row (WS): knit back
3. row (RS): k3, k2tog, *yo, k2tog*, k last 2 sts.
4. row (WS): knit back
Repeat until you have 7 sts left on your needle.
END: on right side (RS)
Always knit on the wrong side (WS).
1. RS: k3, k2tog, k last 2 sts ( = 6 sts)
3. Ré: k2, k2tog, k last 2 sts ( = 5 sts)
5. Ré: k1, k2tog, k last 2 sts ( = 4 sts)
7. RS: k1, k2tog, k last 1 st ( = 3 sts)
Knit 4 rows and bind off.
Crochet a Picot border all around the neck scarf
Anker your yarn in one corner of your scarf with one
chain stitch into the edge.
# make two US single crochet (one per every 2 knitted
rows), make a chain of 3 stitches. Insert your hook into
the front bar of your single crochet and anker your
chain to make the picot. Repeat from # all around the
Break yarn and sew in ends.
Wash carefully and lay out to dry.