Spinning Qiviut – Spinna sauðnautaull


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Sunnudaginn/Sunday 29. september kl.10:00-13:00

Staðsetning/Location: Skinnhúfa

Kathy Sparks

Námskeið er kennt á ensku. – Workshop in English.

What is softer and warmer than cashmere? Qiviut naturally. The undercoat of the Muskox often poses a challenge to spinners. Often hoarded and saved, Qiviut is meant to be spun and enjoyed. This workshop will provide insight into the magnificent animals who produce this fiber, the fiber preparation necessary to create an unbelievably soft, yet luxurious yarn and inspire participants to create some fabulous yarn and dream about the end use of their creation. An assortment of spinning fibers will be used for practice before the Qiviut is spun. Come and share in the Treasure of the Arctic ~ Oomingmak.

Skill level: Intermediate – students should be comfortable with adjusting their wheel and the spinning of short staple fibers. The use of a support spindle may prove to be a valuable asset.

What do students need to bring: 

Spinning wheel, bobbins, lazy kate etc. for fine spoinning – in good working order. Or Spindle. (If you need to borrow a spinning wheel or drop spindles send an email to ullarvikan@gmail.com after booking the workshop).

Coffee/tea will be provided.

Homework for students before class?: No homework.

Included in price is the following material: An assortment of spinning fibers, workshop notes and information about Muskoxen and the Arctic.